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APRIL 12TH-29TH 2023



Postcards From

In the summers of 2021 and 2022, abstract expressionist painter Sharone Halevy spent a month in the north of Iceland and the southwest of Finland, respectively. Both residencies in their own way embraced thoughtful isolation and deep reflection. This gave Sharone a new appreciation for artistic and personal solitude, where she was able to explore these concepts through her paintings. During these residencies, Sharone created three new bodies of work.

Postcards From is a multi-sensory exhibition that shares the paintings and photography created in both countries and the processes that led to their creation.

With paintings hung in the sanctuary of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, audiences were able to delve into the visual details of each work with an audio component narrated by Sharone. 

We invite you to look at art, listen to some stories and find your own space of reflection.



This show was produced by Sharone Halevy, Irene Lazaridis, Ryan Ward, and Mariah Leath. 

photo gallery split into three sections to enjoy the works at your own pace 


Iceland | Finland 

Landscape as a body


*each photo also says what track each work goes with in the audio

all the tracks of the audio experience


we recommend opening this in a separate web browser to accompany the photo gallery at your own pace


*best with headphones

This virtual gallery is like a movie. Filmed by Colby Moore, a visual exploration of the gallery when it  was up at St. John's Lutheran Church. 


video is accompanied by the audio narration 


*best with headphones

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